ࡱ> CEB bjbj 74 77777KKKK$o\K_aaaaaa$pJ77777__ ?FKK0,@7X : Problem-Solving Rubric CriteriaExceeds Expectations 3Meets Expectations 2Below Expectations 1Identification - Identifies problem & subtle issues - Uses info well - Considers problems implications- Clearly identifies the problem as well as subtleties and related issues - Makes full use of available information - Considers the wide-ranging implications of the problem- Identifies the problem - Focuses mostly on information that confirms conclusion - Acknowledges how the problem affects stakeholders, but does not fully explore- Does not clearly identify a problem or identifies it incorrectly - Hardly takes any advantage of available informationAnalysis - Explicates root causes - Applies appropriate tools - Understands limitations of info- Convincingly explicates the root causes of the problem - Correctly applies relevant quantitative & qualitative tools - Shows insight into the limitations of the available information- Identifies relevant factors contributing to the problem, but does not investigate root causes - Uses some appropriate analytical tools, but not thoroughly - Considers the quality & relevance of the available information- Does not identify relevant factors which contribute to the problem - Applies virtually no analytical tools - Does not consider the quality or relevance of the available informationAlternative generation and Recommendation - [2 or more alternative solutions]* - Well-argued recommendation - Feasibility & effectiveness of solution - Impact of solution on stakeholders- [Generates two or more high-quality alternative solutions] - Makes a well-argued recommendation - Discusses the feasibility & effectiveness of the solution(s) - Considers how the proposed solution will affect relevant stakeholders- [Generates two or more alternative solutions] - Recommendation not fully supported by the analysis - Superficially considers the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed solutions - Considers how some but not all relevant stakeholders will be affected- [Generates less than two alternative solutions] - Does not make a convincing argument in favor of the proposed solution - Does not explore the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed solution - Does not consider impact on stakeholdersAction plan development [this may not be a required part of some assignments] - Thorough implementation plan - Discusses potential problems - Criteria for judging success or failure- Develops a thorough plan for implementing the proposed solution - Discusses potential problems with the implementation and develops suggestions for minimizing them - Provides criteria for determining the success or failure of the proposed solution- Acknowledges potential problems with implementation but does not adequately address mitigation - The link between the problem and the action plan is logically consistent - Does not develop an action plan for implementing the proposed solution OR - Develops an incomplete, vague, or unrealistic plan for implementing the proposed solution *) If the instructor did not require 2 or more solutions in the assignment, disregard this part of the criterion **) If the instructor did not require the development of an action plan in the assignment, disregard this whole criterion Adapted from NIU College of Business, 2012 crsu  y   ] ^ ó|m^mRFR7RFRhZ'hCJOJQJaJhCJOJQJaJhCJOJQJaJhZ'hCJOJQJaJhZ'hZ'CJOJQJaJhhpBh.K6CJOJQJaJh.K6CJOJQJaJhhpB6CJOJQJaJh5CJOJQJaJhZ'hZ'5CJOJQJaJhZ'h5CJOJQJaJh_/h_/CJ OJQJaJ hm5CJ OJQJaJ h_/h5CJOJQJaJ"79LNac $$Ifa$gd$a$gd cds-$$$ $IfgdZ'kd$$Ifl\ f*8FFFF  t(0644 lap(ytQ @ y  ^ $Ifgd $IfgdZ' - .  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